Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Interview

I may be getting myself in trouble here but I was honored to be interviewed by the one and only Laura Tingle, a member of the Timex Multisport Team. I feel honored considering the many notable interviews she has conducted with some fantastic athletes. I was nervous at first but her top notch interview skills really makes one feel at ease.

To make this easier for you all I have reprinted the interview without any express written consent from Laura Tingle Inc.

The Doug Berner Special
Posted in Racing by Laura Tingle
Upon arriving at our team camp in Carlsbad, California, I found our team mechanic, Doug Berner, eating a sandwich in the back of the team truck. It was the perfect-o opportunity to ask him a few questions.

LT: What is the grossest thing you have ever cleaned off of a bike?

DB: Normally I would say pee, because that is gross, but even worse is when dead worms stick to the bike after it rains

LT: When was the last time you went skinny dipping?

DB: 8 years ago

LT: Care to elaborate?

DB: No

LT: Were you alone, or with other people?

DB: I am not a solo-dipper

LT: What is the best thing you have ever eaten while riding a bike?

DB: Cheese Whiz at the start of a bike race, it really intimidates people

LT: What is the biggest thing you have ever run over while driving the truck?

DB: Curbs and stuff, nothing exciting…ask me the coolest thing I have found in the road

LT: What is the coolest thing you have found in the road?

DB: I found a wrench, actually, two wrenches. I could almost create a new tool box with all the tools I have found in the road.

LT: What is the worst thing you have ever broken?

DB: When I was 6, I was playing the drums with my mom’s knitting needles, and I broke them. I didnt know what to do, so I just put them back and never said anything about it. I still feel bad about it.

LT: Who is a better truck driver, Keith Meyer, Tristan Brown or Ben Harper?

DB: Keith, because he is a master impersonater. All of the sounds that the truck makes, Keith can make, and if he cant make them, he practices until he can.

LT: Best nickname you have ever been given?

DB: For a long time I was called ‘Moose.’ Working with Keith you get a lot of nicknames, like, all of a sudden one day, he started calling me “DJ Jazzy B.”

LT: Dang

DB: Yeah, I know


Bill said...

I was at a mountain bike race in Tupper Lake or Saranac Lake or one of those upstate NY towns. I am witness to Doug's Wiz routine. Didn't intimidate me lol! Well maybe a little!

Anonymous said...

Ummm... correction. Proof exists that Doug went skinny-dipping as recently as 2006. That's all I'm saying. KG

iwp said...

all these secrets about you Dougeeeee...I feel downright betrayed you kept these tidbits to yourself all the Colavita years wrenching for us! Miss you on the road this year, hope you like working with the boys.....