Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Not trying to be rude

I would just like to say that I'm not trying to be rude.

To all the kind people that have sent me e-mails reminding me that you want me to be your friend (FAcebook) and reminding me to join your professional network ("Link" something), please know that I'm not ignoring you I'm just scared of the unknown. I'll have to back burner those invites until I find some time to concentrate on those things.

I can't believe in this day and age we have to feel we need to apologize for not going with the flow of the hectic world of social networking. I learned that buzz phrase this morning.

If Rob Yetter is reading this. ROB! I will have to get back to you too. I went back through some messages and just recently saw your message. Nice to know you are out there. Awesome!



Unknown said...

I understand completely! Just wanted you to know we were thinking of you and wishing you could join us for Easter Dinner! Lori's mom

Karen Grant

That Blond in CA said...

You rude? Never!
Never give in Doug! Keeping up with your blog is hard enough during the season. Don't give in to the pressure of joining social don't need the drama in your

Happy Easter!