Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What and Wish

Ah my love! How are you today? I consider this one of my tools.

WIsh I was working on Will's bike (and Erin's and Matt's).

Working on the truck overhaul. Wish I had more moments but to be honest between answering all those e-mails from Roger (seeing if you are reading Roger) and being PLOWED by F.O.T. jobs, I get interrupted. You might be wondering what the F.O.T is? I can't really say but a few who read this know about being PLOWED. Wow, that Forstner bit is as big as my head.

A guys got to eat! Might as well make a bunch so I get more than one meal out of the effort. This time of year I never get a chance to eat properly.

I've got a little of this in. WIsh I had more.

A guy has to eat! (FInger in the Nutella).

Jonathon E. sent me this pick. Good use for the frame... I think. Did we ever think that was a nice bike? I can't remember. I can see a Cannondale Raven frame being put to that use too.

Awesome! I've been looking for a particular Pete Townshend/The Who poster for years. I can't find it but this was kicking around on my computer desktop. Artistic statement?


Roger Thompson said...

See if I am reading? Everyday buddy...everyday.

Answering my emails? Come on, how many do I send per day? It's gotta be less than 5. I am just trying to save time when things finally ship...hate assumptions. But you cannot ship things that don't exist not matter how much you want to.

Good to see you have some projects that you can work on. Thanks for all the support and patience.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah PlOWED yup, but he always makes up for it with beer and Leaf's Lucky town wings

trista francis said...

Dude... sweet photo of you on the bike... Love it!

That blond in Ca said...

Coffee is my sweet nectar!

I really like how you mix up Colavita Bike shorts with other Jerseys :)