Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oh the heat!

Maybe this should be the official team photo

Once again a post ride coffee shop break. These must be the hardcore coffee drinkers who want a coffee even though its 94 degrees outside. At that temperature I resort to the iced coffee at least.

You may recognize this spot where Forrest Gump was speaking to Vietnam protestors or where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech.

I look like a goober in this photo but here you go anyways. Lincoln is resting his feet on my head. Thanks Sima.

Monday, Somerville, NJ - The Tour of Somerville I think is the oldest race in the country. Something like 70 years its been going on. Our main sponsor, Colavita, is from New Jersey and we wanted to put on a good show. With Tina winning again I think Colavita/Cooking Light showed we are one of the best. That was a another long day for me. They all seem long but moving around in the heat at times I thought I would cry out in frustration. Hot! The four hour drive afterwards back to Alexandria, VA seemed to take forever.

Tuesday - Today I had a day-off of sorts. The whole team went for a 4 hour ride that included some sightseeing in Washington DC. Turns out that was pretty interesting. Being a U.S. citizen I've never been to the DC area (I've never seen NY City either). I always say the best way to experience this country is on a bike so riding amongst some of the monuments is the way I'd wanted to do it. The best part of the day was at the Lincoln Memorial. I was a little behind the team so by the time I got to the top of the steps several of the riders were surrounded by a school group that wanted them in their picture. In addition the Japenese tourists were motioning with sign language to get pictures with the girls. I thought it was hilarious. A Japanese girl asked to get a picture with me and Sima. Wow! I must have looked "So Pro". Just imagine if you will standing with a Japanese family you've never met but they are so psyched to get their picture taken with you. Back in Japan they are going to show people photos of their trip to America and my face will be there with some sort of explaination how they were at the Lincoln Memorial and this group of cyclists came along blah, blah, blah. Funny stuff happens all the time!

Wed - I probably could do some work on the bikes but it is so hot outside I'd think I'd melt so I'm at a Panera Bread eating lunch and using the wireless. It's not as air conditioned as I hoped though.

Cheers For Now,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Goober, Nice shirt!!! Talking about hot... it (you know me!) has been HOTTER than H--- in Lake Placid, too:(