Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Fresno again

Oh please don't run out on me now. Just a little further. Just a little further

Break time 5:45am Utah country

Hello Ya'll (Tuesday3/14),

It's time for an update. I been busy since I finally left Colorado. Here's is a recap.

I left Grand Junction at 4:00am and drove a record 17 hours and 58 minutes to Fresno, Californ-i-a. That was a long day. Because of the new engine I had to break it in for the first 500 miles. 55mph seems really slow when the speed limit is 75. The whole day was a snow storm at anything above 2,500 feet which at times required that intense concentration that tires you out. Driving through Nevada I spaced out and forgot to check the fuel gauge. I remember the guage read 1/2 a tank and the next time I looked it was pegged at E. I think I was abducted by aliens because I don't remember that whole stretch of road. Well, at this point all I could do was hope that gas was available soon. To set the scene there is nothing but nothing here. Just high desert. I stopped twice but the stations were from like the 1950's and no longer sold gas. Luckily I did find an oasis of sorts that sold gas. That had to be close. I'm sure I didn't have much longer to last.

I had some sleep that night and woke up early to get ready for the days crit. It was great to be back on the racing scene and to be doing what I'm supposed to although not as oragnized as I'd like to be. Everything went well and the ladies raced well.
I'm liking the team so far. Great people to be around. Apparently it has been raining a lot here and I can tell by the condition of the bikes. (For you bike techs, how do you think I can tell this? It is not because they are dirty though.)

On Sunday night we had a get together with the men's team that is sposored by Colavita too. It was a big table for 20 at the Olive Garden (another one of our sponsors). A lot of loud fun was had by all including the wait staff. I don't think I should mention one of the guys on top of the van afterwards. Ooops I just did! Check Brookes blog for photos. http://www.zenchick1.blogspot.com/

Monday I got enough work done to join in a ride that unexpectantly turned into a great 4 hour ride for Sima, Tim, and me. I loved that ride for some reason. I think my new food to eat before riding are Ritz crackers because that is all I had before we left for the ride. I had a Diet Coke in there somewhere too. I kid with Sima what an honor it was to ride with her. But seriously it was a fun ride. I've done hundreds of miles with Tim but it was good to ride somewhere other than Lake Placid with him too.

Today the weather was rainy and cold. Not the weather I remember from last year. All of us did some errands and stuff around the house. The ladies were heading to a thrift store for clothing. I mentioned I was needing a long sleeve shirt for this cold weather so Sima surprised me with a sort of new shirt that smells like a thrift store. $2.60 for such a find. SWEET! How did the thrift shop decide it was $2.60? Why not just $2.50 or $2.75?

I just realized I gave Sima two mentions so I will try to work everyone else into my blog entries in the future.

Cheers For Now,

1 comment:

Jim Jetson said...

yooo yooo berner